I would not have visited Balitmore in South West Cork when I did, if Megan & Eddie didn’t recommend it (they’re a lovely couple that we met here in Cork who’ve since moved back home to the US). The scenery didn’t disappoint. The town itself is a little drive (or walk) from this exact spot that we explored. […]
Blarney Castle in Summer

The first time that I visited Blarney Castle was in winter. The second time I visited was during a glorious heat wave (the weather insisted on short sleeves and the sky was a beautiful blue late into the evenings). Summer sun filtered through the bright new season leaves, rhododendrons bloomed in all shades and the Golden Rain […]
Glanagear Woods

If you’re heading in the direction of Killuvullen, from the south (Cork), you’ll drive past a parking area with a sign marking the Glanagear Woods at the foot of the Nagel Mountains. The trail is part of a bigger network and can be followed all the way to Ballyhooly! It could take up to five hours […]
Blarney Castle in Winter

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Blarney Stone. Legend has it that kissing the stone will give you the gift of the gab, the gift of flattery and of knowing how to use words in a wonderful way. Many people, famous and not so famous, have kissed the stone at the top of Blarney Castle. I […]