If you’re looking for massive ferns, old trees, steep ravines and waterfalls, you’ll find them on the forested northern side of La Palma. Bosque de Los Tilos is a great hike to put at the top of your “Walks to do” list. What I didn’t know was that the path to see the waterfalls is […]
Dragon Trees, La Palma

The Canary Island Dragon Trees, Dracaena draco, are native to the islands as well parts of Africa and the Azores. They are strange and beautiful things. The biggest and oldest living “drago” as the locals call them, is about 300 years old and can be found in northwest Tenerife. SEE The dragon trees grow slowly and often stand […]
Charco Azul, La Palma

On the north- eastern side of the island of La Palma (one of the Canary Islands), there’s an area called Charco Azul in San Andres y Sauces. People love this place on TripAdvisor, and I agree that it’s a fantastic place to chill out – although it feels rather touristy. I imagine it gets a whole […]
El Teide National Park, Tenerife

What’s the highest point in Spain? It’s Mount Teide, the volcanic mountain towering Tenerife. It is visible from most of the other Canary Islands as well with a summit of 3,718 metres. The mountain is an active volcano that last erupted in 1909. The surrounding planes, desolate rock landscape and weird formations make up the Teide […]
Las Galletas, Tenerife

Imagine a row of volcanic islands that offer a dry desert-like landscape as well as forests, beautiful beaches and mountains with loads of caves, great surfing conditions, tropical fruit and really comfortable weather. You might have heard of Tenerife, and if not, you’ve probably heard of the Canary Islands and have a general idea ofwhere […]
The Old Head

One of my most favourite places ever, has to be The Old Head of Kinsale. Right on the end of the peninsula is a golf course that’s just for members, and a good-looking one it must be too, but I just go for the views. Here are a few photos from winter and a few from […]
Kilkenny Cathedral

Called St. Canice Cathedral to some, this limestone church was also known by the fancy name of the Diocese of Ossory. The round tower next to it, dates back to the ninth century and with tickets, you can climb to the top for a good view of Kilkenny (there’s only one other round tower in Ireland that takes […]
Red Barn Beach

It was midday when we stopped over at Red Barn Beach near Youghal, but it almost looked like dawn. The brooding clouds diffused the light really nicely and the colours and reflections were muted and gentle. It was a really good day to have my camera with me. There’s so much space on this beach […]
Hore Abbey

If you didn’t notice, the photo above has a cow in the foreground that is unfortunately making a wee. They just have a knack for doing that kind of thing when there’s a camera pointing at them. It’s not my favourite photo but I thought I’d just leave it there for effect (whatever that […]
Forest & Lough

Not far from Baltimore is the beautiful Lough Hyne with the lush forest of Knockomagh Hill set behind it. The lough is a marine lake. That just means that it is connected to the sea but has a lower salt content because some of the water is rainwater (I didn’t know what a marine lake was until right […]