One of my most favourite places ever, has to be The Old Head of Kinsale. Right on the end of the peninsula is a golf course that’s just for members, and a good-looking one it must be too, but I just go for the views. Here are a few photos from winter and a few from […]
The Cat Shepherd and his Flock

One of the cats, named Bodacious, is the lead shepherd; they call him The Cat Sherpherd. He guards over a flock of beautiful sheep in the countryside near Kilkenny. They aren’t just ordinary sheep, they’re a breed called Zwartbles originally from the Friesland area of the Netherlands. They were mainly used for diary, but they went through a […]
Blarney Castle in Summer

The first time that I visited Blarney Castle was in winter. The second time I visited was during a glorious heat wave (the weather insisted on short sleeves and the sky was a beautiful blue late into the evenings). Summer sun filtered through the bright new season leaves, rhododendrons bloomed in all shades and the Golden Rain […]