On a fairly rainless day we drove out to the end of Sheep’s Head Peninsula will take you about two hours of south west travel by car from Cork city. The way we went included a stop-over in Bantry, so that took a bit longer. If you’re planning on visiting Bantry House keep in mind that it’s closed in […]
The Real Bantry Bay

Just for fun, we thought to take a drive out to the real Bantry Bay, south west of Cork. Most of the drive was on an “R” road which means a 100 kilometre per hour speed limits most of the time, minimal road markings and lots of pretty winter trees. Even with such a generous speed limit, […]
The Time Traveller’s Bookshop

If you’re a lover of books and if you find yourself in Cork City, pop into The Time Traveller’s Bookshop, a delightful little shop, brimming with books. It’s situated at Wandesford Quay, right near Snap and St. Finbarr’s Car Park (parking is €2 per hour if you park on the roof). You can also get near […]
Reardens Bar

Right on Washington Street, within view of the Courthouse in Cork City, you’ll see a good-looking red pub with a fair bit of character. Being a bit of a newcomer, I’m no Reardens expert and I’m not quite a regular. I can’t attest to their live music scene or convince you of their great late […]
Hiking at Gougane Barra Forest Park

We trusted the weather report for sunny weather, but when we arrived at Gougane Barra National Park, it was pouring. With a bit of patience, the rain cleared and the rest of the day saw a light drizzle at most. Walking at a decent pace, we soon warmed up (it was 4 degrees Celsius) and […]
Budgeting for The Big Move

Immigrating can be expensive. It is quite obvious that it’s costly, but sometimes it can be difficult to imagine how to go about budgeting for the big move. Financially this most likely means you’re going to need to dip into your savings or plan to save up. Apart from the monetary cost, uprooting an established […]
Exploring Cork City

Just over a week ago, we landed in Cork (Corcaigh in Irish, meaning “marsh”), right in the middle of Storm Barney. All flights out of Cork afterwards were immediately cancelled with wind-speeds further north reaching over 120 kilometres per hour. It was a rough landing in a small plane, but we made it! The immigration officer was nice enough, […]