If you didn’t notice, the photo above has a cow in the foreground that is unfortunately making a wee. They just have a knack for doing that kind of thing when there’s a camera pointing at them. It’s not my favourite photo but I thought I’d just leave it there for effect (whatever that means).
Within view of The Rock of Cashel is a ruin with the name of Hore Abbey. If you’re visiting the the Rock, you might as well stop over at the abbey for a look around. It was founded by the Benedictines in in 1266. Just sixteen years later they were expelled from the land by a certain Archbishop who seemed to have had a dream in which they were planning his unfortunate end. To be safe he handed the abbey over to Cistercians (he was a Cistercian himself). Additions were made to the building in the fifteenth century.
I’m pretty sure that I heard that name given to it refers to the colour of the cloaks worn by the monks who lived in the abbey. This seems like a strange jump to make and a closer explanation might be some kind of link to the Irish Gaelic word for yew tree iubhair. I do feel a bit our of my depth talking about these subjects (I’m no expert).